Bone broth is good for many things. In fact, you probably crave a steaming bowl of your mom’s homemade recipe every time you come down with a cold. However, as it turns out, bone broth is good for a lot more than simply warming up your belly and providing you with the soothing taste of childhood.
If you’ve heard of all the benefits of bone broth but are wondering what’s so great about the stuff besides its delicious taste? As it happens, bone broth acts as something of an elixir — and we’re here to tell you how and why…
What’s So Great About Bone Broth?
Wondering what makes bone broth so amazing? Well, as it happens, bone broth is an excellent way to improve a wide array of conditions, including leaky gut syndrome, overcoming food allergies and intolerances, improving joint health, reducing cellulite, and boosting the immune system. And that’s not all—bone broth can improve the health and appearance of your skin, nails, and hair, giving you a youthful and beautiful look with little to no effort on your part! Good for your joints and your gut, and to rid your body of toxins, bone broth also provides your body with plenty of gelatin, which reduces your body’s need for protein substantially.
The advantages of regularly consuming bone broth seem to go on and on! As it happens, chicken soup isn’t good for just the soul, and your mother wasn’t lying when she told you it’s the best thing to get you back on your feet when you are feeling under the weather.
Any kind of bone broth can do the trick, too—not just your standard chicken or beef broth. Fish broth, lamb broth, and more will also bring you these bone broth benefits to get the most out of your efforts. Not to mention, it will taste delicious too.
Why Does It Work So Well?
What is it about bone broth that makes it such an incredible elixir to treat a wide array of maladies and help to improve the functions of your body in many ways? Bone broth nutrition is a force of nature that has been aiding the human race in its efforts to stay healthy for countless generations.
Bone broth’s inception into the human diet began as the way our ancestors made good use of every part of the animals they hunted for food. Bones and marrow — not to mention skin, feet, ligaments, and tendons — that could not be directly eaten were boiled and simmered over a period of several days.
The simmering of the bone broth causes the ligaments and bones to release their healing compounds into the bone stock. These nutritious agents include collagen, glycine, proline, and glutamine. All of which hold the power to help transform your health.
Give Your Immune System a Leg Up
In addition to the aforementioned benefits of bone broth, it has been revealed that it can reduce inflammation in the respiratory system, improve digestion, and boost your immune system. Yep, that’s right! This can help to heal conditions including asthma, arthritis, and allergies.
Ask the Experts
Not convinced that this is real science? If you still believe that bone broth is nothing more than something you’re able to keep down when you have the flu with no further health benefits, then nutrition researchers Kaayla Daniel and Sally Fallon of the Weston A. Price Foundation beg to differ. These experts explain that bone broths, regardless of the animal they are made from, contain minerals in forms that are east for your body to absorb and put to good use. These include magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, silicon, and many more. Not only they, but they also contain chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, which are compounds sold as supplements at astronomical rates, advertised to reduce arthritis, joint pain, and inflammation. As it happens, you can get the same benefits for a fraction of the price with bone broth.
So, Time to Crack Open that Can of Broth — Or NOT
If you’re thinking, “All of this is great, I’m going to buy a couple of cans of broth on my next trip to the grocery store” — think again! Nutrition researcher Sally Fallon explains that most store bought broth isn’t “real.” Rather, the companies that make it utilize meat flavors that are produced in mas to make their bouillon cubes, sauce mixes, and soups — that includes broths. As if that’s not enough, some manufacturers use MSG as a flavoring, which is recognized as a meat flavor but is actually classified as a neurotoxin.
So, what does that mean for you? Well, if you want to add be on broth to your diet to start seeing all the incredible health benefits it can bring, you’re going to have to get it the old-fashioned way — make it yourself. Fortunately, you can at least get the meat from the store and save yourself the hunting trip our ancestors had to endure! There are also a few reputable places where you can buy real bone broth… make sure you buy it from one of them, not just anywhere.
The Verdict
As you can see, there is much to be gained from replacing your morning mug of coffee with a mug of bone broth instead, or if you’re not ready to kick your caffeine habit to the curb, try and down a mug of both in the mornings. After a short time of dutifully letting the bone broth work its magic, you may find that your body feels so good that you can skip the coffee here and there.
Whatever benefit you hope to gain from drinking bone broth, it has something to offer for everyone, and it can only bring you good. Try it out today and start feeling the difference for yourself!