Although bone broth is relatively simple to make, it does take a long time to cook and requires some very specific ingredients to do it right. Plus some people really don’t like cooking. So, it is often a lot easier and more convenient to just buy it – rather than make it a home.
However, if you are new to all of this then you probably have no idea where to buy bone broth. Don’t worry, I am here to save the day! 🙂
I am going to let you know exactly where to get it and where NOT to get it.
Let’s start with where you should NOT buy bone broth…
* The grocery store
You read that right, DO NOT purchase bone broth from the grocery store. Trust me on this. Just don’t! Even the best product you find there 99% of the time will not be the real nutrition packed broth that is similar to what you would make at home, and what you are looking for in the context of this website.
Yes, I’m sure there are rare instances when you can find the good stuff at the store, but I wouldn’t count on it. Most of the time you would be better off not getting any at all rather than wasting your money (and health) on the stuff you find at the grocery store.
The store bought brands normally contain nothing but water, monosodium glutamate (MSG), some random additives, and a whole bunch of nonsense that is not doing you any good. They are virtually all void of any of the nutritional value, taste, and health benefits that real bone broth provides (and I can only assume those are the reasons you want it in the first place). These are no match for homemade bone broths. In fact, I can’t believe they are even allowed to be called bone broth. Seriously!
Ok, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff…
Where to Buy Bone Broth – My Thoughts On It
There are many small companies that are now claiming to make truly authentic stocks and broths, so what about them? Are they a legit substitute for what you would make at home?
I’ve examined several of the top brands of bone broth that are supposed to be the “real stuff” — similar to homemade recipes with all the benefits you are looking for (the best of the best) — and in my opinion you can certainly buy bone broth that is worth it as long as you are careful about where you are buying it from.
Your best option is to purchase it online from a reputable source. While there are several places to buy high quality bone broth online, I have narrowed it down to just 3 that I truly trust and recommend. The product you get from them is often very similar in quality with very few major differences, if any, and it is the REAL SUPERFOOD that you are looking for — not some cheap imposter (such as the grocery store brands).
So, here are the winners…
The Best Bone Broth
My careful vetting processes led me to truly believe that Bare Bones Broth is the best bone broth to buy online – or anywhere else. This is absolutely the #1 place that I recommend, and where I personally buy my bone broth from when I am too busy or too lazy to make it myself, or if I want to send some to family/friends.
Some of the reasons why I choose Bare Bones Broth are:
1) The product is of the highest quality (organic, fresh, no additives, great taste, etc)
2) It is a very reputable company
3) Fast shipping
4) Reasonable prices
5) Great people who truly believe in what they are doing and are not just in it “for the money” like so many others
There’s really nothing negative that I have to say about them. If you are looking for the best bone broth or want to know where to buy bone broth online, then you aren’t going to find one any better than Bare Bones Broth. It’s that simple!
Now, I did say there were 3 places I’ve narrowed it down to, so you might be wondering what are the two others?
They are Kettle & Fire and Osso Good.
Again, I would say all 3 of them are pretty close in rating and you can’t really go wrong buying your bone broth from any of them. Though I definitely do give the edge to Bare Bones Broth — without a doubt — but I wanted to make sure you had a few high quality places to choose from.
Okay, now you know where to buy bone broth, so get some now and start enjoying all the benefits!